A Few Things To Prepare For Oilfield Construction
If you are planning on having a property of yours set up for oil drilling, you are going to need to hire an oilfield construction team to set everything up. The laws and regulations regarding oilfield construction can be daunting to understand and adhere to. Professionals are aware of all the different laws and keep up with changes as they occur so you can be sure that whatever you have done will be legal and operational. However, there are a few things you can do prior to the construction team showing up to help speed things along.
Clear the Land
The first thing you need to do is to make sure the land is cleared of all trees and vegetation. This is not something you can start the day before you expect the construction team to show up. While you may be able to chop down some of the smaller trees yourself, you may need help with anything large. In addition, you might need to contact a professional to help pull out the stumps and roots. Make sure you have a place to legally dispose of the vegetation you remove.
Create a Roadway
If the property you are going to be drilling on is not currently accessible from the main road, you need to have a clear pathway back to it. If the area to be drilled is on the back half of your property you may need to create a right-of-way at the county office. All the drilling equipment needs to have a clear, unencumbered path to go back and forth to the drill site. You will probably need to work with a professional to have the roadway done in a manner that will be able to withstand the heavy equipment.
Dig a Reserve Pit
A lot of dirt, rock, and other material is going to come out of the ground as drilling commences. You will need to have this taken away from the property. However, you should have a reserve pit dug to store all this aggregate until there is enough for a full load. Since you will need to pay to have it all hauled away, make the most out of each trip and be sure the dump truck is loaded.
It may be a good idea to wait until you have all the preparations complete before contacting an oilfield construction contractor. If the professional has any other requirements, you will be able to focus on them instead of trying to get everything all done at once.
For more information, contact companies like WM Earth Works.